Donald and Lorna Moore and their Cara Insert Stove
Donald and Lorna Moore from Stillorgan, Co. Dublin love their Cara Insert Stove so much they've recommended it to their friends.

"We used to have huge problems with the chimney draught in this room and it was always really cold" Donald Moore recalls as he opens the door to their sitting room. "That's all changed now though!" The Moores fitted a Cara Insert stove into their existing open fireplace after taking advice and research from their friend. "Our friend had done a lot of research on stoves in the marketplace and identified Stanley as one of the best out there", explains Donald. "We didn't want a freestanding stove coming out into the room so we decided on the Cara Insert. We are so happy with it that we've passed on the research to four of our neighbours who all have one now too!"
Have they noticed any changes in their heating costs? The stove is usually lighting all day but by about 6:30pm the room is so warm there is no need to put anymore fuel on to it. As a result we use much less fuel to get more heat. Also the radiators are turned off in the room the Cara Insert is lighting in as there is no need for additional heating in the room. We estimate we save 10 bags of coal a year to the value of €180 to €200 depending on the price at the time.
Donal talks about the change he's noticed since the Cara Insert was fitted, "The controllability feature is a huge plus for us so we can turn down the heat when the room warms up or leave it burning overnight. Also we have turned off the radiators in the room now as the Cara Insert keeps it really warm and cosy by itself"