Ecodesign Stoves Explained

Ecodesign certification provides much tighter limits on a range of different emissions than the current EN13240 European standard and for the first-time testing of NOx (nitrogen oxides), OGC’s (organic gaseous compounds) and PM (particulate matter/ dust emissions) will become mandatory.


When did it happen?

Commission Regulation (Eu) 2015/1188 came into force across the EU on the 1st January 2022 and applies to both wood burning and solid fuel stoves. Although much of the attention has been focused on wood burning, the regulations apply to all solid fuel stoves including central heating stoves.


What does Ecodesign cover?

Ecodesign provides much tighter limits on a range of different emissions than the current EN13240 European standard and for the first-time testing of NOx (nitrogen oxides), OGC’s (organic gaseous compounds) and PM (particulate matter/ dust emissions) will become mandatory.

  • Minimum efficiency rating of 75% for stoves
  • Reduction of CO (Carbon monoxide) –88%
  • New limit for emissions of NOx
  • Introduction in requirements for Particulate matter and organic gaseous compounds

What does this mean for you?

Based on the emission reductions and new requirements, Ecodesign will significantly improve air quality and help the environment. Ecodesign stoves are more efficient saving you fuel and saving you money. From 2022 on consumers can only buy Ecodesign stoves.

Are the stoves tested for a particular fuel?

As part of the Ecodesign we must declare the fuel that will be used in the stove. A multi fuel stove designated to burn coal will have a separate set of results to that of a wood burning stove. Waterford Stanley will declare and test our stoves with both anthracite (smokeless fuel) and wood where possible.

Our Ecodesign stoves are approved for smokeless coal, wood or both where relevant. 

Solid Fuel and Wood Ecodesign Approved Stoves

Brand Name Approved Wood Approved Smokeless Coal
Stanley Cara Insert x x
Stanley Cara Glass Insert x x
Stanley Oisin Eco x x
Stanley Allen Eco x x
Stanley Aoife Eco x x
Stanley Tara Eco x x
Stanley Corrib Eco x x
Stanley Ardmore Eco x x
Stanley Lismore Eco x x
Stanley Erin Eco x x
Stanley Fern Eco x x
Stanley Reginald Eco x x
Stanley SOLIS F500 Edge x x
Stanley SOLIS F650 Style x x
Stanley SOLIS F500 Curve x  
Stanley SOLIS F800 Grande x x
AGA Ellesmere EC4  x x
AGA Ellesmere EC5 x x
AGA Ellesmere EC5 W x x
Stanley SOLIS I5 Insert x x
Stanley SOLIS I8 Insert x  
Stanley SOLIS I60 Single Sided x  
Stanley SOLIS I80 Single Sided x  
Stanley SOLIS I100 Double Sided x  
Stanley SOLIS F1100 Panoramic x  
Bilberry Nore Eco x x
Bilberry Barrow Eco x x
Bilberry  Suir Eco x x