Approved Installers
Please see list of authorised installers below. This list will be updated on a regular basis so please check back.

Waterford Stanley recommend that when installing one of our Air to Water Heat Pumps, you always use a competent installer. Please see list of authorised installers below. This list will be updated on a regular basis so please check back.
Using an authorised installer will give you piece of mind and ensure your warranty is validated.
Approved Installers for Stanley Air to Water Heat Pumps
Engineer Name | Company Name | Contact Number | Area Covered | |
Frank Law/Commins | Frank Commins Plumbing & Heating Limited | 086 2736615 | frankcommins@gmail.com | Waterford Kilkenny Tipperary |
Michael Ryan | Engineer | 087-2547194 | michaeljoeryan@gmail.com |
Munster |
Val O’Gorman | Boiler Tech | 087-2672987 | valogorman@live.ie | Limerick |
John Hewetson | Morris's | 086-2686068 | johnnnyhewetson@icloud.com | Waterford Kilkenny Tipperary |
John Foran | Morris's | 086-1250005 | jonathanforan4@gmail.com | Waterford Kilkenny Tipperary |
Laurence Walsh | 087-2220606 | Galway | ||
Eugene Conroy | 087-2512967 | Laois | ||
Donal Daly | 087-9430427 | Offaly | ||
Patrick Conroy | Stanley Engineer | 085-1657770 | eugeneconroy@me.com conroypat86@hotmail.com |
Tipperary |
Tony Larkin | Tony Larkin Heat Pump Services Limited | 086-3749829 | Tonylarkin08@gmail.com | Kilkenny Waterford |
Andrew Doyle | Doyle Andrew Plumbing & Heating | 085-8183955 | ashleycombustion@eircom.net andrew@ashleycombustion.ie |
Wexford |
Ned Cummins | 086-6182428 | Tipperary | ||
Paul McCarville | 085-7553226 | Tipperary | ||
Tommy Widger | Tommy Widger Plumbing | 086-3834169 | tommywidger@gmail.com | Waterford |
Brian Tyrell | Morris's | 087-2254743 | b.tyrell@hotmail.com | Kilkenny Waterford |
Brian Coyle | Morris's | 083-4533986 | brianhcoyle@gmail.com | Kilkenny Waterford |
Dick Power | Morris's | 086-2657787 | diamondheat@gmail.com | Kilkenny Waterford |
John Fennell | 087-2072309 | Waterford | ||
Eamonn Purcell | Morris's | 087-9113478 | eamonn&colettepurcell@hotmail.com | Waterford |
Phillip Kenny | P Kenny Plumbing | 086-1043018 | phillykenny@gmail..com | Waterford Kilkenny Tipperary |
Peter Falvey | Peter Falvey | 087 2292395 | falvey.peter@gmail.com | Kerry |

House Plans
Building or renovating your home? Send us in your house plans and we will revert back with product specification that you need. If you chose to go ahead with a Stanley Air to Heat Pumps, we can provide heat loss calculations and details on underfloor heating and radiators.
Send your house plans to marketing@waterfordstanley.com