Spare Parts

Our Technical manuals provide exploded views & parts listing for all current production models & some older products to assist in determining the part that you require. You can purchase spare parts at our authorised stockists nationwide.


Cooking Spare Parts

At Waterford Stanley we stock spare parts on all our stoves and cookers we sell today and hold spares parts on stoves and cookers discontinued up to 10 years.

Spare Parts are available from all Stanley Stockists with most stockists stocking all high demand stove & cooker parts (e.g. glass, firebricks, rope, firebox components). 

Our spare parts manuals provide exploded views & parts listing for all current production models & some older products to assist in determining the part that you require. 

Manuals Cooking

Spare Parts Stockists

In the event of a stockist not holding the required spare part, our dedicated spare parts team dispatch spares orders on a daily basis and can provide the required part to your local stockist.

For all United Kingdom (excluding Northern Ireland) and Overseas Customers, spare parts are available through our International Dealers. 

Rangemaster Spare Part Stockists

If you require a spare part, the following list of Approved Spare Parts Retailers will be able to supply same. Please have your serial number and appliance details to hand.

  • Ryan’s Electrical Service Centre – 061-413577
  • Sansom Electric - 041-6853537
  • Iona Appliances - 021-4277105
  • Elektro - 091-756771
  • CG Service - 028-90854000

More On Cooking

For more information on our Range Cookers and Built in Appliances, check out the following links.