David Kane and his Stanley SOLIS K50 Pellet Stove
David Kane from Westmeath had the Stanley SOLIS K50 Pellet stove installed around 5 months ago. ‘We had a solid fuel stove before and we wanted to get away from burning coal and logs and do out bit to help the environment. Pellets are also a lot cheaper than buying coal. ’

Why did David choose a Stanley stove? ‘It was recommended to me by Kyle in Smyths Hardware who advised the SOLIS K50 pellet stove would be the best fit for me.’
What does David love about the Stanley SOLIS K50? ‘It’s clean. Its efficient and it heats the room. Well, it nearly heats two rooms. I find it holds the heat for a while after its turned off. Also, there is a great variety of heat. We can set the stove temperature on the control panel from 3kW to 6kW and to come on different times during the day and week. Also comes with a remote control. Typically, we have it on the lowest setting for a few hrs each day and it gets really warm in the room. As I said its very efficient.'
Do they have a particular favourite moment with your Stanley? ‘Not so much a moment but this stove is so much easier to clean as it doesn’t create as much ash and the pellets are a lot cleaner as a fuel to use. Very user friendly. Don’t have to light it with firelighters or kindling. Simply switch it on and away you go.’