Benefits Pellet Stoves
One of the biggest trends in home heating in recent years has been the installation of pellet stoves. Pellet stoves are CO2 neutral, automatic, easy to use, and low in emissions of particulates.

Forget Kindling & Firelighters
Forget paper, kindling and matches: pellet stoves have electric igniters. Pellet stoves are electronically controlled through remote control or in-built programmer and offer an environmentally friendly heating option for your home. Pellet stoves come in room heating and central heating models.
One of the biggest trends in home heating in recent years has been the installation of pellet stoves. Pellet stoves are CO2 neutral, automatic, easy to use, and low in emissions of particulates.
Pellets are made with sawdust from the wood processing industry (furniture, pallets, lumber, etc.). Pellet stoves are carbon neutral because the carbon released during combustion is equivalent to that absorbed by the tree during its growth.
Burning pellets produces far less carbon emissions in comparison to other fuels thereby reducing your carbon footprint
Efficient and Cleaner to Run
The efficiency of a quality pellet stove can exceed 90%. So only 10% of the energy contained in the pellets is lost in the chimney. Stanley SOLIS pellet stoves are up to 96%.
Depending on burning times you may only need to clean out your pellet stove once a week. No open flames, no emissions
Controllable and Easy to Use
Pellet stoves are completely controllable thanks to heat settings and fan speed settings. Turning the heat down means that you will be able to use the pellets more slowly and turning the fan down will enable you to enjoy a more comfortable heat.
Many pellet stoves come with programmable thermostats and also give you the ability to control the temperature, see if you have enough fuel and monitor when you need to clean the stove – all at the touch of a button.
Future Proofed - Ecodesign approved
Ecodesign is the European-wide programme to lower emissions from a range of appliances that use energy including stoves.
Ecodesign provides much tighter limits on a range of different emissions than the current EN13240 European standard and for the first-time testing of NOx (nitrogen oxides), OGC’s (organic gaseous compounds) and PM (particulate matter/ dust emissions) will become mandatory.
Ecodesign comes into force on the 1st January 2022 and all stoves from then must be Ecodesign approved
Ease of Installation
You pellet stove needs to be by an external wall. The Vertical Flue goes up outside your home. You also won’t need a chimney with a good draw for your pellet stove: smoke is expelled to the outside by forced ventilation via an 80 mm tube, placed horizontally.
Our Stanley SOLIS pellet stoves will give you autonomy from 10 to 45 hours depending on model which means you don't have to constantly feed it like you would with a solid fuel or wood stove. Its uses electricity to feed pellets through for combustion based on your settings for output.
WIFI kit and My Stove Remote APP
Adding to the comfort and style of our Stanley SOLIS pellet stove range, we have launched our new Pellet Stove Wi-Fi Kit that makes controlling your stove even easier. By using the handy app linked to the USB-like receiver at the back of the Stanley SOLIS pellet stove, you get remote function controls both inside and outside your home.
Benefits include:
- The ability to control your pellet stove remotely. This allows you to turn on the heat when you know you will be heading home or should you have forgotten to turn the stove off before leaving the house.
- Full control of your pellet stove from your smartphone – simply install “My Stove Remote” which is the CEZA APP.
- Interacts seamlessly with the controller on your stove. Turn on or off without moving from your chair.
- Plug and Play - It’s as simple as plugging in the Wi-Fi USB into the port on the rear of your pellet stove and following the app instructions. You will need Wi-Fi at home to operate this system.
- Available on all room heating and central heating Stanley SOLIS Pellet Models